Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops
10 Ways To Alkalize Your Diet
pH Testing: Are You Too Acidic?
1. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day: To clarify, the vegetables that make up the majority of your diet should consist mainly of leafy greens (the darker the green, the more nutritional value the plant holds). It's the minerals in plants that give them their acidic or alkaline properties. The beneficial alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium are found in the leaves of the plant while the acidic minerals are found in the root. By eating fresh leafy greens and other plant-based foods, you are replenishing your body’s supply of protective alkaline minerals. When in a state of acidosis, the body recruits these alkaline minerals to keep blood pH at acceptable levels. Most people are in need of these minerals so they can begin to replenish their alkaline reserves.(1*)
2. Squeeze a fresh lemon or lime into your water: Why bother with lemons or limes - everyone knows they’re acidic. Think again, there’s a difference between acidic foods and foods that become acidic after consumption. To clarify, lemons and limes contain a significant amount of acidity and a very low sugar content. However, they also contain a significant amount of alkaline minerals like magnesium, and sodium. Thus, consuming them can shift the body's pH towards the alkaline side of the scale.
3. Add apple cider vinegar to salad dressings: As with lemons and limes, acidic apple cider vinegar becomes alkaline when consumed. It is acidic in its “raw” state but once ingested it has an alkaline effect on the body. Additionally, apple cider vinegar is thought to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.(2*)
4. Add green tea to your diet (switch from coffee to green tea once or twice per week): One of the best ways to move your body into an alkaline state is to drink plenty of fresh water. You might think that since coffee is 99.9% water, having a cup of coffee is a perfectly reasonable way to consume more water. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Coffee, unlike tea, is dehydrating. Coffee creates an acidic environment in your body. However green tea is a hydrating drink that does not drain your bodies resources! Further, green tea is an alkaline food, meaning it shifts your body towards a more healthful pH balance.(3*)
5. Twice per week, replace an animal protein meal with vegetables and limit animal protein (maximum 60 g per day): Meat is an excellent source of iron and B12 as well as quality protein. Unfortunately, meat is also a very acidic food, however, you don’t have to give up eating meat. Simply substitute two meat meals during the week with leafy green vegetables. A good rule of thumb to follow is to limit your animal protein to about 60 grams per day. This way you can avoid creating a taxing “acid overload”.(4*)
6. Reduce sugar intake and soda drinks: Not only is sugar acidic, but large amounts are incredibly toxic to the human body. Of course, we need some sugar when energy is in short supply as sugar is a source of fuel. Unfortunately, the Western diet includes too much of it - an average American will eat 152 lbs of sugar each year.(5*) When it comes to soda, the carbon dioxide that gives the drink its signature fizz is also quite acidic. If at all possible, avoid soda and cut out as much sugar from your diet as you can!
7. Reduce refined carbohydrates: You may have heard that carbs are bad for you because they make you fat. While that statement is only half the story, the key to understanding the difference between good and bad carbs lies in how fast they are absorbed. Refined carbs are empty calorie carbs that don’t offer much nutrition and are absorbed very quickly. Whole carbs are more beneficial. These carbs are found in fruits and vegetables bundled together with fiber. Whole carbs are the ones you want to eat because they are slow to digest and full of healthful alkaline minerals.(6*)
8. Supplement with buffered Vitamin C 1000 mg per day: Vitamin C alone is quite acidic, but that doesn’t mean it has an acidic effect on the body. To reap an alkaline benefit you might consider buffered Vitamin C. This version of Vitamin C is combined with magnesium and sodium. These added minerals create a slow-digesting alkaline supplement rather than one giant burst of Vitamin C which may not be effectively utilized by the body.(7*)
9. Supplement with Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules:Nopal cactus is an amazing super-food. Super-foods possess excellent nutritional profiles. That is, they contain high concentrations of healthful ingredients or unique compounds that have healing properties. Prickly Pear falls into both of these categories with 18 amino acids, a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as a high concentration of betalains which are renowned for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Recently, nopal cactus has become available for North American consumption. However, many of the nopal products on the market today are diluted cocktails that provide only a small fraction of the nutritive value that Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) can offer. Because Natural Home Cures Nopal is created from the dried, ground pads of high-quality plants, you can rest assured you’re getting top quality nutrition.
In addition to the 18 amino acids found in Prickly Pear, you will also reap the benefit of calcium, and magnesium—two incredibly alkalinizing minerals. If you’re suffering from acidosis or if you simply want to build up your body’s alkaline reserve, Prickly Pear is an absolute must-have product.
Moreover, the high concentrations of betalains will help to combat widespread oxidative damage. Acidosis can cause low-level inflammation throughout the body. Thus a supplement containing amino acids (for tissue repair), antioxidants (for tissue protection) and alkaline minerals (for combating acidosis) is essential in maintaining your health and wellbeing.
10. Incorporate sea vegetables into your diet: Sea vegetables, like their terrestrial cousins, have a significant amount of alkaline minerals. Moreover, they offer a wider variety of vitamins and minerals. If you want to shift your body to an alkaline state in a hurry, you should try to add more sea greens to your plate.(8*) Examples are Chlorella, Dulse, Kelp, Nori, Spirulina, and Wakame.
BONUS: Increase your alkalinity by adding Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium to your diet as it creates a super alkaline drink. The coral calcium comes from the cast-off of marine invertebrates and is naturally packaged together with sea minerals. Thus, coral calcium is highly bioavailable and is much easier for your body to assimilate than traditional calcium supplements.
Source References
(1) Top 10 Alkaline Diet Questions Answered - Women Fitness
(2) Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar - The Healthy Eating Site
(3) Is Green Tea Alkaline or Acidic - Natural Scoop
(4) Meat Can Cause Acidic Load In Body - Health 24
(5) Sugar Acidity In The Body and Disease - Calorie Bee
(6) Carbohydrates - WebMD
(7) What Is Buffered Vitamin C - WiseGeek
(8) List Of Sea Vegetables - Food Diet Center