Pure Alkaline Water Drops - Don't Buy Bottled Alkaline Water Until You Know Their Fraudulent Labeling Secrets
Coca-Cola Deceptive Bottle Labeling Case(1*)
US Supreme Court on Thursday, 12 June 2014, sided with juice maker Pom Wonderful in its long-running fraudulent advertising dispute.
The Coca-Cola Pomegranate Blueberry Juice contained 99.5% apple and grape juices and only 0.5% pomegranate and blueberry juice. (We thought you would enjoy the video of the hearing - please share with others.)
If you’re one of the millions of Americans that buy bottled water or juice for the health benefits, you owe it to yourself to read this shocking report that was created by a former industry insider who is exposing their scams on how the bottled water companies are manipulating you into buying something that may not be everything it’s advertised to be.
Marketers plaster bottles of water with words like “Pure,” “Filtered,” “Spring Water,” “Mineralized Water,” and many other kinds of advertising jargon. But do you know what this means?
All bottled water comes from very similar places: lakes and rivers or underground sources such as aquifers. The origin of the water in your bottle will determine what words are allowed to be used when describing it on the label. For example, if your bottled water is described as “Artesian”, “Well Water” or “Spring Water” it means that it came from an underground source. Both “Well Water” and “Artisan Water” is trapped in a well before being bottled while spring water may be collected from an underground portion of a spring or at a spot where the spring reaches the surface.
Ground Water is a catchall term that could mean your water comes from above or below ground. Similarly, the water could be collected from a well or a stream.
Mineralized water is water that has a high concentration of minerals dissolved in it: at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids. Re-mineralized water means that minerals have been added to achieve the 250 ppm benchmark required to call the product mineralized water.
Glacial Water and Mountain Water are not standardized terms, and there is no clear policy on when the term may often be used resulting in misleading marketing. Mountain Water does not necessarily mean the water comes from a mountain and Glacial Water does not always mean the water you’re drinking came from a glacier. Simply put, if you see either of these two terms on your bottle of water, it doesn’t necessarily mean the water came from a pristine location.
Some people prefer the taste of bottled water to tap water, and that’s no surprise. Tap water is usually purified using chemicals like chlorine which is a cheap and effective purifier but which leaves a distinctive aftertaste. Bottled water, on the other hand, is purified using techniques like distillation or ozonation to avoid having water sealed in a container with an active disinfectant. The cost of these methods is a little higher but the benefit is that either of these methods leaves an aftertaste. Now you know that when you reach for a bottle of pristine Mountain Water, you might just be getting tap water.
Just ask Nestlé with brands such as Acqua Panna, Arrowhead, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Nestle Pure Life, Ozarka, Perrier, Poland Spring, Resource Spring, San Pellegrino, Zephyglobal and other brands - with global annual sales of $90 billion dollars.
In 2003, Nestlé was sued by the states of Connecticut and Maine for false labeling:
Nestlé purported the water in bottles of Poland Spring came from an underground spring source deep in the woods in Maine. The truth was their water came from a well behind the Nestle offices in the middle of the city far from the forests and mountains that Nestle would have you believe. Nestlé settled the suit for $10 million in charitable contributions and discounts. (WWDMAG - Nestle Sued Falsely Advertising Poland Spring Water.)(2*)
In 2008, Nestle was sued by the states of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri for further fraud:
Client’s were lead to believe that the Nestle water was coming from the Mountains and Natural Springs with pictures of Ice Mountain Water, print ads and advertising on the side of delivery trucks screaming "100% Natural Spring Water" beneath picturesque images of ice-capped mountains. Their website reported the water had been filtered through mineral-rich aquifers and can be traced back thousands of years to the last ice age when melting glaciers fed rivers and springs. The truth was Nestle was getting their so-called "100% Natural Spring Water" from none other than the city tap water. (Forbes - Nestle Sued Again For Falsely Representing Bottle Tap Water As Naturally Spring Sourced)(3*)
In 2015, Niagara Bottling LLC Recalled 14 Brands Of Water For E. Coli Contamination:
Brands such as 7-Eleven, Acadia, Acme, Big Y, Best Yet, Morning Fresh, Niagara, Nature's Place, Pricerite, Shaw's, Shoprite, Superchill, Western Beef Blue, Wegman's, were recalled due to E. coli contamination that can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches or other symptoms, (CNN - Niagara Bottle Water Company Recall For E Coli.)(4*)
Despite the fact that slick marketing can cover up the origin of where the water is sourced. The water itself probably isn’t going to do that much harm to you, however, the United States has strict guidelines and testing procedures in place to make sure that water sold for human consumption is safe. The real danger comes from the bottle that the water is stored in. If you buy upscale water that uses glass bottles then you don't have to worry that the containers are leaching anything into your drinking water.
Glass is so reliably unreactive that it is used to hold the majority of chemicals in scientific laboratories in order to avoid “pure” chemicals becoming diluted with particles from the containers they are being held in.
One study by Canadian scientists working in Germany found that the longer water sits in plastic bottles, the more material leaches from the bottle and into the water which can be fatal. One example of toxins that can leach from plastic bottles is antimony. This metallic element is poisonous even in small doses and can cause nausea, dizziness, and depression.(5*)
Antimony isn’t the only danger hiding in your water bottle. One chemical that has been the focus of extensive research is Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA use is so prevalent in our culture that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found 93% of urine samples taken from 2,517 people to contain some trace of the chemical.(6*)
Even more damning is a 2008 report published by the U.S. National Toxicology Program that concluded BPA affects the brain, behavior and prostate gland development in fetuses, infants, and children. What’s more, the smaller the child, the more likely they were to have a proportionally higher amount of BPA in their system: this report found that children, infants, and fetuses were at the greatest risk for overexposure to BPA!(7*)
But why all the fuss over BPA? What does it do that’s so terrible? BPA is dangerous for us because it mimics hormones already present in the human body. In effect, when we ingest these “hormones” we are throwing off the delicate balance of our endocrine system. As noted above, these chemicals are so potent that even very small amounts affect the human body; this includes fetuses developing in the womb.
BPA mimics the hormone estrogen and thus disrupts the development of sexual organs which can lead to cancer—breast, prostate and testicular to be specific.(8*) BPA is so powerful that in rivers polluted with the chemical scientist have found mollusks that have changed sex from male to female. While the debate rages on about the safety of BPA ask yourself if it's something you want to drink?
What About Bottled Water That Is Ionized, Ionic, Or Alkaline Reporting To Have A pH Of 9.5 Or Greater?
When deciding upon what type of alkaline water or alkaline bottled water to consume, you may come across the words "ionized, ionic water or alkaline ionizer” which for the most part is water that comes from electrolysis.(9*)
For a compound to be ionized, the charge of that compound must be altered. So, when water (which is a compound) is ionized, it means that the water either loses or gains some charge.(10*) During the process that alters the charge, ions are created. Electrolysis is the tool used to create ions in water (alter its charge). Electrolysis refers to the process of generating an electric current to create a reaction.
In water ionizers, an electric current is produced and directed through the water. Each molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The current splits a portion of the water molecules into their smaller parts, which in the case of water are two different ions. The electric current breaks apart the water into hydrogen and hydroxide. Hydroxide is just a fancy name for hydrogen bonded with oxygen.(11*) For an electric current to be generated, the device creating the current must have a positive end and a negative end. This is why batteries have positive and negative sides to them and why they must be inserted in the correct orientation into the device they power to work.
When water undergoes electrolysis, the portion of water that is near the negative side of the current generator is more acidic (because excess hydrogen ions collect near this side) while the portion of water that is near the positive side of the device is more alkaline (because excess hydroxide ions accumulate near this side).(12*)
This alkaline portion of the water is collected, bottled, and sold to you as ionized, ionic or alkaline water. The problem with this type of alkaline water is that it does not stay alkaline for long. As within 24 hours the high alkaline water will revert to its natural pH range which is (around a pH 7).(13*) Unless you drink the water within 24 hours the benefits will be lost, and this is the reason you are wasting your money if you buy ionic, ionized or alkaline water in bottles.
As the time it takes to manufacture the bottled water, the manufacturer ships the water to the retail stores, the stores places this water on their shelves, and then you buy and drink the water. The time will far exceed 24 hours and probably be closer to 3 or 4 weeks. So the benefits you thought you were purchasing and certainly paying a premium will all be lost.
Even if you could drink the water within 24 hours, you are still missing one crucial element that your water must have, and that is Bioavailable Coral Calcium for, without it, you simply have very expensive tap water that will do little regarding rehydrating your health.
Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops uses Bioavailable Coral Calcium to create its water. The sachets when combined with water, will deliver a powerhouse of bioavailable coral calcium. Even if you have the freshest ionized water on the planet, it will still pale in comparison to our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops. Why? Because Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops come jam-packed with 72 essential trace minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, just to name a few. Click Here for a complete list of trace minerals found in our Pure Alkaline Water Drops and how they can supercharge your health.
If you are going to drink alkaline water, why not drink the best? It just makes sense to use Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium in an easy to carry convenient foil bag which will turn any ordinary tap or bottled water into a super-charged health elixir that will not only hydrate you and save you a lot of money compared to buying expensive bottled water but also get you on your way to total and perfect health.
Order Pure Alkaline Water With Bioavailable Coral Calcium Today
Source References
(1) PuppyJusticeAutomated videos are created by a program written by Adam Schwalm. The audio and transcript used in this video are provided by the Chicago-Kent College of Law under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution.
(2) WWD Mag - Nestle Sued For Falsely Advertising Poland Spring Water
(3) Forbes - Nestle Sued For Falsely Advertising Poland Spring Water
(4) CNN - Niagara Bottle Water Company Recall For E Coli
(5) EPA Government - Water Health
(6) CBC News - Plastic Bottles Leach Chemicals Into Water Study
(7) Daily Mail - Poisoned By Plastic Bottles
(8) PubMed - Bisphenol-A: Epigenetic Reprogramming & Effects
(9) Wikipedia - Water Ionizer
(10) Wikipedia - Ionization
(11) Science Learn - Carbonate Chemistry
(12) Aqua Health Products - Frequently Asked Alkaline Water Questions
(13) Health Alkaline - Should You Buy Bottled Water